1. CONFIRM THE EMERGENCY by checking your phone & e-mail for Pierce County Alert advisory, and/or, tuning in FM 89.9, or 105.7 to get the latest information on Fox Island. Or, go to Facebook/FoxIslandFICRA.
  3. CHECK YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD house by house (map on page 2), to see if anyone is in need of medical help. Children, and the elderly and infirm should be first priority.
  4. Once you have a feel for the needs in your neighborhood, LEAVE YOUR MESSAGE AT THE AGREED TO COMMUNICATION SITE (see the map on page 2 for the location of that site) so the Emergency Response organization (Emergency Patrol assigned to your area) can pick up your needs information on their tour.

    Note that trying to contact the Emergency Response group will not be possible as those personnel will be getting the response system up and running. As soon as they have personnel available, the Emergency Patrol’s first action will be to gather your message at your COMMUNICATION SITE. The Response Group will then, if you have indicated a need, contact you by visiting you at your home, or coming to the address you leave on your communication.

  5. Continue to help your neighborhood help itself using the resources you have identified in Section 2, Preparation. 

Download the complete Block Coordinator Manual here.

Last modified on: 4/21/2024