2.2.2 Block Coordinator Program Preparation Responsibilities
Emergencies, such as severe weather conditions or major earthquakes, that interrupt basic functions (electricity, water, ability to use the bridge) for Fox Island residents for an extended period of time (more than 8 hours), or major fire that puts neighborhoods at risk, may be cause for Block Coordinators (BC’s) to react and begin their emergency response duties.
In preparation for such emergencies, Block Coordinators will be assigned neighborhood groups of roughly 15 residences. They will contact, list, and map the residents in the neighborhood, identifying special needs (e.g., children, the elderly and infirm) and neighborhood resources (e.g., tools and special vehicles).
In an emergency, Block Coordinators will coordinate neighborhood actions and provide communication to the Emergency Response Team (at the COMMUNICATION SITE) for the neighborhood to properly handle the event.
Assistance such as triage a... Read More